Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Camp Magruder 2008

I'm behind on my blogging, so I'm just now posting pics from my church's annual weekend at Camp Magruder, even though it was the first weekend in October. This year we went a week earlier, hoping we might have better weather than we usually do. No such luck. It was rainy most of the time we were there. It took me, a transplanted Californian, awhile to learn that rainy weekends at the beach can be fun. At Magruder that's especially true, because rainy days mean more time to sit by the wood stove and read, visit, or work on a craft project. This year I worked on a cross stitch project, cross stitching cute little vegetables on a green apron while making sure my son didn't destroy the building. I did have to venture outside for a few activities, such as trips to the dining hall, a scavenger hunt, trips to the dining hall, loading and unloading the car, and trips to the dining hall.

Here's part of my scavenger hunt team, tromping along in the rain:

Jerry displays a Tootsie Roll:

So much for the Tootsie Roll:

At the foot of the donkey statue:

Scavenger hunt team on the beach:

Scavenger hunt team showing their donkey ears. Apparently Tony is confused about the type of ass we're talking about.

One of the best things about our annual trip to Magruder is watching the kids play. They're deafeningly noisy, but they have tons of fun and sometimes look cute doing it:


Another Magruder weekend has come and gone. Next up: visiting a local pumpkin farm - but that will have to wait till I've had some sleep.

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